Formularz kontaktowy

Wykup dostęp

Ta funkcja jest dostępna dla użytkowników, którzy wykupili plan Memorizer+


Much, many, a lot of - wpisz odpowiednie słowo

Test w formie fiszek Test zawiera pytania z zakresu poprawnego użycie much many i lot.
Ilość pytań: 15 Rozwiązywany: 15184 razy
Have you got [...] work to do?
Have you got [...] work to do?
We bought [...] fruit but no vegetables.
a lot of
We bought [...] fruit but no vegetables.
There isn't [...] information in this book.
There isn't [...] information in this book.
How [...] children have they got?
How [...] children have they got?
He's got [...] problems at the moment.
a lot of
He's got [...] problems at the moment.
We saw [...] beautiful birds on the walk.
a lot of
We saw [...] beautiful birds on the walk.
I don't know [...] people here. Do you?
I don't know [...] people here. Do you?
There were [...] phone calls this morning.
a lot of
There were [...] phone calls this morning.
We couldn't go out because I didn't have [...] money with me.
We couldn't go out because I didn't have [...] money with me.
There aren't [...] tourists here this year.
There aren't [...] tourists here this year.
I don't have breakfast before work but I drink [...] tea.
a lot of
I don't have breakfast before work but I drink [...] tea.
Do you smoke [...] cigarettes?
Do you smoke [...] cigarettes?
How [...] money did you spend?
How [...] money did you spend?
Are there going to be [...] people at the party?
Are there going to be [...] people at the party?
She's ill and she's not eating [...] food.
She's ill and she's not eating [...] food.


Wykryliśmy, że blokujesz reklamy na naszej stronie.

Reklamy, jak zapewne wiesz, pozwalają na utrzymanie i rozwój serwisu. W związku z tym prosimy Cię o ich odblokowanie by móc kontynuować naukę.

Wyłącz bloker reklam a następnie
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