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Present Perfect - Ćwiczenie 1
Present Perfect - Ćwiczenie 1
Twój wynik
Rozwiąż ponownie
Moja historia
Wszystkie ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersTotal}})
Prawidłowe ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersGood}})
Do powtórki ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersRepeat}})
Błędne ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersBad}})
Pytanie 1
Have they finished their homework?
Pytanie 2
He has spoken English.
Pytanie 3
Annie has not forgotten her homework.
Pytanie 4
Zadaj pytanie: "He has written a letter."
Pytanie 5
She has .... the dog for a long walk.
Pytanie 6
The movie has just .....
Pytanie 7
My friends have just .... me.
Pytanie 8
They have .... on the same University so we know each other well.
Pytanie 9
Annie and I have had a good time lately.
Pytanie 10
My friends have .... the world and they can talk for hours about places they visited.