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Wyrażenia przyimkowe na I, K, L
Wyrażenia przyimkowe na I, K, L
Twój wynik
Rozwiąż ponownie
Moja historia
Wszystkie ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersTotal}})
Prawidłowe ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersGood}})
Do powtórki ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersRepeat}})
Błędne ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersBad}})
Pytanie 1
Computers have had an enormous impact _ education
Pytanie 2
Don`t underestmate the importance _ eating a good breakfest
Pytanie 3
Everyone was impressed _ her piano playing
Pytanie 4
Millions of people are infected _ Aids throughout the world
Pytanie 5
Which of your teachers has had the most influence _ you?
Pytanie 6
He suffered serious injuries _ both legs in the accident
Pytanie 7
I have no interest _ sport whatsoever
Pytanie 8
I am not interested _ sport
Pytanie 9
She has an interview _ a journalist
Pytanie 10
Don`t get involved _ any arguments about politics
Pytanie 11
I`m not very keen _ swimming
Pytanie 12
Be kind _ her - she is only trying to be helpful
Pytanie 13
He gave an interesting lecture _ the latest theories about how life began
Pytanie 14
Have a look _ the Tate Modern building
Pytanie 15
I`ll have a look _ a postcard of it if you like
Pytanie 16
She never recovered from the loss _ her parents in the car crash