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Wyrażenia przyimkowe na R
Wyrażenia przyimkowe na R
Twój wynik
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Moja historia
Wszystkie ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersTotal}})
Prawidłowe ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersGood}})
Do powtórki ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersRepeat}})
Błędne ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersBad}})
Pytanie 1
Have you written a reply _ your uncle yet?
Pytanie 2
They are doing lots of research _ a vaccine for malaria
Pytanie 3
I have great respect _ people who work for charities
Pytanie 4
Practically everyone has a good relationship _ our teacher
Pytanie 5
Do you need more reminders _ the dangers of smoking?
Pytanie 6
Have you see their new range _ clothes?
Pytanie 7
What`s your reaction _ the news that the fees will be increased?
Pytanie 8
Hurry up and get ready _ school
Pytanie 9
What is your reason _ being late this time?
Pytanie 10
There has been a request _ more blood donors
Pytanie 11
I think ill health is deifintely related _ poverty
Pytanie 12
Opportunities for women are small in relation _ men
Pytanie 13
Who is responsible _ all this mess?
Pytanie 14
You can stay up late tonight as a reward _ your good behaviour
Pytanie 15
There has been a rise _ crime over the past year
Pytanie 16
There is always a risk _ failure but we must try
Pytanie 17
He is never rude _ his parents