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Wyrażenia przyimkowe na S, T
Twój wynik
Rozwiąż ponownie
Moja historia
Wszystkie ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersTotal}})
Prawidłowe ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersGood}})
Do powtórki ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersRepeat}})
Błędne ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersBad}})
Pytanie 1
We were sad _ leaving London
Pytanie 2
I`m not satisfied _ your reason for being late
Pytanie 3
After a series _ failuers, we finally won a match
Pytanie 4
I was shocked _ the way he spoke to his father
Pytanie 5
Her taste in music is similiar _ mine
Pytanie 6
Can I have another slice _ cake, please?
Pytanie 7
I`m sorry _ all the trouble I caused you
Pytanie 8
I`m afraid I can`t think of a soultion _ your problem
Pytanie 9
He`s making a study _ birds in tropical forests
Pytanie 10
It will be a study _ how birds survive in smaller forests
Pytanie 11
Do you have a suggestion _ what to do this weekend?
Pytanie 12
I thought I heard a suggestion _ doubt in his voice
Pytanie 13
He was not surprised _ her success
Pytanie 14
I have no sympathy _ students who never do their homework
Pytanie 15
Do you have any sympathy _ their views on world poverty?
Pytanie 16
Have a talk _ your parents and see what they say
Pytanie 17
She has no taste _ clothes
Pytanie 18
Thanks _ your help, I passed my exams
Pytanie 19
There`s a threat _ colder weather later this week
Pytanie 20
The conflict is a serious threat _ world peace
Pytanie 21
The trouble _ you is that you don`t listen to good advice
Pytanie 22
Have trust _ your own opinions
Pytanie 23
We expect a good turnout _ fans in spite of the rain