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Pytania i odpowiedzi

The Business 2.0 B2 glossary U1

Zebrane pytania i odpowiedzi do zestawu. Glossary U1
Ilość pytań: 52 Rozwiązywany: 4570 razy
Pytanie 1
to set a limit on the amount of money that someone can spend or charge
Pytanie 2
the amount of money that you earn
Pytanie 3
things that you do at school or college that are not part of your course
extracurricular activities
Pytanie 4
to make a problem become worse
Pytanie 5
all the teachers in a school
Pytanie 6
money that you pay to a proffesional person or institution for their work
Pytanie 7
a sudden large increase in the amount or level of something
Pytanie 8
a temporary job tah is a part of a course of study and that give you experience of the work you hope to do at the end of the course
Pytanie 9
something such as money, workers or equipment that can be used to help an institution or a business
Pytanie 10
to make something happen, especially something involving violence or angry feelings
spark off
Pytanie 11
a situation that is continuosly becoming worse, more, or less
Pytanie 12
an amount of money that the government or another organization pays to help to reduce the cost of a product or service
Pytanie 13
a gradual change or development that produces a particular result
Pytanie 14
if you are willing to do something, you do it when somone asks you, sometimes when you do not want to
Pytanie 15
to limit what someone is allowed to do by making them obey a rule or agreement
Pytanie 16
to help something to increase, improve or become more successful
Pytanie 17
a lot of available money
deep pockets
Pytanie 18
to leave something such as an activity , school or competiotion before you have finished what you intended to do
drop out
Pytanie 19
to improve something, or to make it more attractive or more valuable
Pytanie 20
to end somone's employment, especially temporarily, because there is not enough work for them
lay off

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