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Pytania i odpowiedzi

The Business 2.0 B2 glossary U8 part1

Zebrane pytania i odpowiedzi do zestawu. Glossary U8 part1
Ilość pytań: 36 Rozwiązywany: 2448 razy
Pytanie 21
the legal offence of planning a serious crime
Pytanie 22
dishonest or illegal behaviour by officials or people in positions of powe, especially when they accept money in exchange for doing things for someone
Pytanie 23
to consider that someone or something has a particular quality
Pytanie 24
the theft of money that people trust you to look after as part of your work
Pytanie 25
the crime of obtaining money from someone by tricking them
Pytanie 26
the crime of buying or selling shares in a company using information that is available only to people working within that company
insider trading
Pytanie 27
impossible to change or stop
Pytanie 28
if an official document decision or right lapses it is no longer effective
Pytanie 29
use of the legal system to settle a disagreement
Pytanie 30
to hide the origin of money obtained from illegal activities by putting it into lega businesses
Pytanie 31
the practice of using your powe and influence to give jobs to people in your family instead of to people who deserve to have them
Pytanie 32
offshore bank or company is not in your own country but in a countr where the law is different
Pytanie 33
an aspect of something that has to be accepted
part and parcel
Pytanie 34
to decide not to do something that you promised to do
range on
Pytanie 35
a company written promise to repair or replace a product if it does not work, usually for a specific period of time
Pytanie 36
to say or show that you do not want to be involved with someone or something and that you are not responsible for them
wash your hands of

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