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Pytania i odpowiedzi

The Business 2.0 B2 glossary U8 part2

Zebrane pytania i odpowiedzi do zestawu. Glossary U8 part2
Ilość pytań: 27 Rozwiązywany: 2030 razy
Pytanie 1
during a period of time
at a stretch
Pytanie 2
to give information to people, especially information that was a secret
Pytanie 3
a man who owns a house, flat or room that people can rent
Pytanie 4
the period between the time that you tell someone you are going to do something and the time you do it
Pytanie 5
the use, or the period of use, of a place
Pytanie 6
an arrangement in which work is done by people from outside your company, usually by a company that is expert in that type of work
Pytanie 7
the buildings and land that a buisness or organization uses
Pytanie 8
a refurbished room or a buliding has been improved by cleaning and painting it, adding new furniture or equipment, etc.
Pytanie 9
an underground pipe or passage that carries waste substances, especially waste removed from houses and other buildings
Pytanie 10
someone who rents a flat, house, office, piece of land, etc. from the person who owns it
Pytanie 11
very successful
Pytanie 12
the chages or damage that normally happen to something that has been used, causing it to be less useful or less valuable
wear and tear
Pytanie 13
something that is worn looks old and damaged because it has been used a lot
Pytanie 14
a way or solving a problem or ending an argument in which both people or groups accept that they cannot have everything they want
Pytanie 15
an amount of money paid in addiction to the normal amount
Pytanie 16
a tree which grows above other plants, protecting them from the sun and providing a natural habitat for birds and animals
shade tree
Pytanie 17
making you feel slightly angry or impatient
Pytanie 18
behaving in a confident way in which you are quick to express your opinion and feelings
Pytanie 19
not talking or answering questions in an honest way
Pytanie 20
willing to do what other people tell you to do without arguing

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