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Podsumowanie testu
Wyrażenia przyimkowe na F, G, H
Twój wynik
Rozwiąż ponownie
Moja historia
Wszystkie ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersTotal}})
Prawidłowe ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersGood}})
Błędne ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersBad}})
Pytanie 1
There`s been a daramatic fall _ tourists in London
Pytanie 2
Are you faimiliar _ the rules of tennis?
Pytanie 3
Is the station far _ here?
Pytanie 4
She`s famous _ writing excellent detective novels
Pytanie 5
The bridge is a marvellous feat _ people last night
Pytanie 6
I`m fond _ chocolate
Pytanie 7
The cafe was full _ people last night
Pytanie 8
I`m no good _ remembering names
Pytanie 9
Exercies is good _ you
Pytanie 10
There has been a significiant growth _ the number of women playing footbal
Pytanie 11
I`m not very happy _ my performance
Pytanie 12
Until the war is over we have no hope _ the future
Pytanie 13
We had no hope _ escape