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Podsumowanie testu
Have something done
Podsumowanie testu
Have something done
Twój wynik
Rozwiąż ponownie
Moja historia
Wszystkie ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersTotal}})
Prawidłowe ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersGood}})
Błędne ({{dataStorage.userResults.answersBad}})
Pytanie 1
Kiedy zamierzacie zlecić budowę domu ?
Pytanie 2
Czy kiedykolwiek skradziono ci dowód osobisty ?
Pytanie 3
Właśnie zleciliśmy pomalowanie mojego garażu
Pytanie 4
Write sentences with have something done for this situation.
The optician tested Mark's eyes
Pytanie 5
Write sentences with have something done for this situation.
The barber shaved Alex's head
Pytanie 6
Write sentences with have something done for this situation.
The manicurist is going to do Emily's nails
Pytanie 7
Write sentences with have something done for this situation.The barber trims my dad's hair once every three months
Pytanie 8
The hairdresser was dyeing Jade's hair when I saw her
Pytanie 9
Write sentences with have something done for this situation.
My friend has fixed my computer