Strona 3

Historia USA

Pytanie 17
Wybierz fakty na temat uprawy tabaki w Ameryce:
it was used for tiding up
London merchants paid low prices for John Rolfe's tobacco
John Rolfe discovered how to dry its leaved to make them milder
it was grew in England
it wasn't used as money
it was used for brewing into a drink
it was used for smoking
it was grew in America
Pytanie 18
Jak nazywała się nowa organizacja, sprawująca kontrolę nad Virginią w okresie the Virginia Company? Ta organizacja rozpoczęła tradycję, wg której Amerykanie mają swój głos w sprawach ważnych dla nich i dla państwa.
House of Representatives
the Virginia Company
the House of Burgesses
the Indian Removal Act
Pytanie 19
Czy the Virginia Company kiedykolwiek przyniosła zyski? Niebawem została rozwiązana.
Pytanie 20
Wybierz fakty na temat the Pilgrims.
the sailed to America in 1620
they sailed together with the group called "The Strangers" with whom they signed the agreement called "The Mayflower Compact"
they sailed to America because of religion persecution in England
they are called the Puritans because they wanted the Church to be pure, without hierachy
their ship is called " Flower May"
they were looking for gold
they were Catholics
they were Protestants
Pytanie 21
Połącz nazwy grup z miejscami zamieszkania Purytanów:
the second, much larger group of the Puritans
the Boston area
the Boston Puritans + the Plymouth Purians
the Puritans at the beginning
Pytanie 22
Jak nazywał się przywódca Purytan z Massachusstes, który uważał, że oczy wszystkich powinny być na nich zwrócone?
Pytanie 23
Wybierz fakty na temat jednego z Purytan, Rogera Williamsa.
he stayed in arrest
he believed that church and state should be separate
he believed that church and state should be connected
in his colony people were free
he set u a new colony named Rhode Island
in his colony people had to obey his rules
he made leaders angry, so they arrested him
he escaped from arrest
Pytanie 24
Jak nazywa się stan, założony w 1681 przez Williama Penna?
Rhode Island
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